The blog i am designing will be able to suit my inspirations of Media that will include different kinds of posts that will show the techniques i am able to use such as; Photoshop - Screen Shots, adding YouTube links, relating to other magazines, Images i've found over the internet and etc that would inspire me. I will update posts regulary to show what i am up to. I wil also include my oppinions on what i like and dislink by comparing other magazines such as one of my favourite magazines which i think is attrative and covers all the important areas that a
magazine should be covering:
This image of the front cover of this magazine shows a mid-length (medium shot) of a famous well known celebrity 'Katy Perry'. The angle she is allows the images be attractive from her sexy look, what she is wearing to her facial expressions. The white background allows the images and text stand out with 2 colours; pink and black for the text. Large texts allows to stand out and smaller fonts include what you might expect to see in the magazine (hints).